Ill Fated Fables

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An engaging community of writers, gamers, role-players and fans of D&D, Anime, Fantasy, or Science Fiction.

...Welcome to Ill Fated Fables. We are currently under construction. We are looking into why signatures aren't working... ...Be sure to read the News and Announcements section and keep updated!...
Ill Fated Hearts: Check back to see information on the setting soon. IFH's first RP thread will be up soon.
DnD: Forums are now operational! Post your characters and start discussing a campaign!
Mizuki is having computer issues. He will be able to post a character in the DnD section soon, and will verify your characters when he does.

    Friends and Foes


    Posts : 15
    Join date : 2011-11-22
    Age : 30
    Location : The Place where they carried on that dudes wayward son

    Friends and Foes Empty Friends and Foes

    Post  Kenshin1989 Tue Nov 22, 2011 11:43 pm

    So in your profile you may notice your Friends and Foes section. Now, you may wonder why I make such a big deal about such things but to be honest that section is vital to your RP sessions.

    The friends your character has and the enemies makes or breaks your characters alignments, thoughts, even combat sequences. It would be in your best interest to consider your friends in your dnd session.



      Current date/time is Sat Jun 29, 2024 8:17 am