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    Red Oblivion's Characters

    Red Oblivion
    Red Oblivion

    Posts : 1762
    Join date : 2011-11-20
    Age : 33
    Location : Oblivion

    Red Oblivion's Characters Empty Red Oblivion's Characters

    Post  Red Oblivion Wed Nov 30, 2011 7:10 pm

    Name: Diarmuid "Dar" Darktower [ GM CHARACTER ]

    Gender: Male

    Biological Age: Appx. 230
    Perceived Age: 25

    Race: Darkblood Vampire (Former Judge)

    Appearance: Diarmuid is a supernaturally handsome man, to the point it is something of a curse. Women fawn over him constantly, falling for him at the drop of a hat. He frequently hides his face under a hood, helmet or mask as a result. Built solid and tall at 6'5" and 240lbs of solid, compact muscle. Always sure to carry himself tall, his lean form attracts almost as much attention as his face. Diarmuid's jaw-length void-black hair and electric blue eyes are fairly typical of his kind, as are his exceedingly fair white skin. He can be seen wearing a reliably armored black and cobalt blue wyvern-leather jacket at almost all times, along with some combination of hooded shirt and black straight-cut denim and/or leather pants. Dar wears armor as necessary, though his favorite set seems to be the flexible metal ribbing on his jacket, paired with a set of full-gauntlets and pauldrons and a heavy pair of armored boots and shin-greaves, all of dark gunmetal grey meteoric iron, polished to a near mirror shine and well cared for.

    Equipment: Aside from Dar's armor, he is never without a few vials of blood of the rarest most magical kind he can find when available. His perpetual companion and the only remnant of his past as a Judge is his Great Blood-Knight Sword, made of Silver, Garnet, and Mithril, folded together hundreds of times, and placed in a bath of blessed blood under tremendous pressure to temper and shape the blade. Dar's particular Blood-Knight Sword's blade is 4.5ft long, 4.5in wide at it's base, 1.5in thick at it's center, and tapers to a razor sharp piercing tip. Dar is also known for carrying a belt of iron throwing-spikes around one leg.

    Abilities: Diarmuid is talented with all the classic Vampire abilities, except shapeshifting. He is skilled with blood-magic and is able to manipulate blood spilled by him in various ways, including crystallizing it into blades or spikes. He is unable to manipulate blood within a living body. Among his offensive blood-magic talents are fire-conjuring, warding, storm-calling, and paralyzing curses. His remaining Judge traits allow him to withstand silver and direct sunlight, though it is highly irritating and he easily burns.

    Bio: Diarmuid began his life as one of the Judges. Creatures created by Seig under Kain's authority. Vampiric in nature, blood drinkers, but not at all Vampires. Created, not turned, as a Judge Dar began with only two things in his mind. Serve his gods, and protect their laws. Before Dar was able to remember, he executed countless criminals, and visited merciful death upon many of the abused. In the days after he found his voice and his first emotion, he began to remember.

    As he evolved these memories began to catalyze new emotions. Diarmuid became a person, and as a person he began choosing those he judged more carefully. He came down upon the abusers, rescuing the abused. He began visiting mercy in new ways, taking the abused into his custody and returning them home to the spire. The Golden Crusade, and the fiends who crafted psychotropic drugs from vampires' blood outraged him. in time outrage became fury.

    Soon, fury was all he knew. All Dar was and thought was rage and vengeance. Justice became justified murder. Seig warned him twice that he was crossing the line. That Diarmuid was becoming lost. Seig feared for him and tried to bring him back into the fold with reason. Dar did not listen. Justified murder became a vigilante rampage. Seig called upon the other judges to retrieve Dar and bring him into the Spire court. There, he was deemed unfit to continue serving, and honorably executed for the good that he had done.

    When a Vampire Judge dies, they do not cease to be. They are cut off from their gods' power, and become as other, regular vampires are. They must learn to be what they once protected, follow the laws of their gods as citizens of the spire. Dar accepted his fate gracefully, leaving the Spirelands to travel, in hopes of better understanding the world. What he saw, he both loved and despised. His new perspective offered him much joy, but doubled his rage. Blind to other races as a Judge, he didn't know the level of injustice in the world was so great. How many were persecuted and enslaved. And yet, baffling to him, the world remains balanced, and many lands are peaceful.

    He travels, seeking the good in the world, trying to learn the balance between mercy and justice, in hopes of returning to the Spire as a judge again one day, able to perform his duty with pride. He has traveled for nearly 50 years. He's still looking.

    In the time since he left, Dar has adapted a somewhat snarky and dismissive attitude to cope with constant advances by women and a perpetually disappointing world. Maintaining what he THINKS is a generally happy demeanor, he actually broods quite a bit. Despite this, he has quite a good sense of humor and has ran with several ship crews, both imperial and pirate, which has made him slightly salty and smart-mouthed. He tends to appeal to people visually right up until he opens his mouth. Even then, most women find his smarmy, dark nature attractive, much to his chagrin.

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