Ill Fated Fables

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...Welcome to Ill Fated Fables. We are currently under construction. We are looking into why signatures aren't working... ...Be sure to read the News and Announcements section and keep updated!...
Ill Fated Hearts: Check back to see information on the setting soon. IFH's first RP thread will be up soon.
DnD: Forums are now operational! Post your characters and start discussing a campaign!
Mizuki is having computer issues. He will be able to post a character in the DnD section soon, and will verify your characters when he does.

2 posters

    Legacies Left Behind


    Posts : 1755
    Join date : 2011-11-21
    Age : 36
    Location : In the space between space

    Legacies Left Behind Empty Legacies Left Behind

    Post  Mizuki_Stone Sun Dec 04, 2011 4:54 pm

    Chloe was trapped in her mind. All she saw was darkness. Evil pressed in on her from all sides. This wasn't right. she shouldn't be alone. He should be with her.
    F:''She can but she'll weaken. The further from the vortex, the weaker she gets.''


    ''Better that then dead...'' he grimaced, and rested a hand on her forehead, ''Poor kid...'' he tried to send some assurance to her, but his efforts were half fumbled at best.


    She grabbed onto it like a lifeline. Her eyes blinked opened and peered into his. She reached up and touched his face. He could feel her. It was like having a second person in his mind.
    ''You're here.''
    Her voice was soft, a whisper of sound.


    ''Yeah, I'm here...'' he gave a sad smile, then his eyes flickered up to her father, ''We need a way to fix this.''


    The father shook his head.
    F:''The only way we know out is death and usually the other half dies as well. It depends on many factors. If it's a true bond or forced.''
    Chloe's eyes held fear.


    ''I chew the impossible up for breakfast,'' he said firmly. he looked down at Chloe, ''Don't worry. I'll take care of you.''


    She was holding tightly to his shirt.
    She was shaking, her whole body trembled. Fear radiated down the bond to him.


    He nodded, ''With everything I can bring to bear.''


    She loosened her hold slightly.
    She never took her eyes off him.


    (New Post!)

    He slowly eased back his hand from her grasp, and exhaled.

    "For what it's worth... sorry about my part in this."

    Posts : 7
    Join date : 2011-11-22

    Legacies Left Behind Empty Re: Legacies Left Behind

    Post  Phoenix Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:09 pm

    She looked at him confused.
    "I don't understand."

    Posts : 1755
    Join date : 2011-11-21
    Age : 36
    Location : In the space between space

    Legacies Left Behind Empty Re: Legacies Left Behind

    Post  Mizuki_Stone Wed Dec 21, 2011 6:32 pm

    "You will," he stated tiredly.

    Posts : 7
    Join date : 2011-11-22

    Legacies Left Behind Empty Re: Legacies Left Behind

    Post  Phoenix Thu Dec 29, 2011 12:35 am

    She smiled at him, her eyes starting to drift closed.
    "As long as you stay."

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