Ill Fated Fables

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An engaging community of writers, gamers, role-players and fans of D&D, Anime, Fantasy, or Science Fiction.

...Welcome to Ill Fated Fables. We are currently under construction. We are looking into why signatures aren't working... ...Be sure to read the News and Announcements section and keep updated!...
Ill Fated Hearts: Check back to see information on the setting soon. IFH's first RP thread will be up soon.
DnD: Forums are now operational! Post your characters and start discussing a campaign!
Mizuki is having computer issues. He will be able to post a character in the DnD section soon, and will verify your characters when he does.

    DND section character sheets and rules


    Posts : 15
    Join date : 2011-11-22
    Age : 30
    Location : The Place where they carried on that dudes wayward son

    DND section character sheets and rules Empty DND section character sheets and rules

    Post  Kenshin1989 Tue Nov 22, 2011 5:45 pm

    The IFF Forums is producing a DnD section that allows the player to use free will inside of the game through total RP. However, your characters still must be approved and they must meet the following criteria:

    Must be a 3.5 character that is for the most part WotC legal,
    Must Give at least:

    Race *description is optional*
    Ability Scores (bonuses are not needed)
    Saving Throws
    at least 1 weapon that includes attack bonus, Range, crit range, damage, and any special effects.

    any feats your character has
    any special abilities your char has accrued
    any times

    Biography/short description *optional*

    any animal companions and that follows the descriptions as shown above.

    About DnD or RP operations:

    Please follow the ToS when you go through your RP sessions,
    • Do not abuse the DM. He has the last word.

    • Once a character in RP dies, he is dead. Unless the DM brings that character back, that character is perma-dead and is not playable in any other RP on the forum.

    • Any money accrued through questing is kept on that character and is not movable between characters unless an exception is made by the DM

    • If a player is kicked from a campaign by the DM, then he or she is not permitted to return unless it is allowed by the DM. Note: any penalties that the DM casts on the player is not negotiable.

    • If you feel the DM is breaking ToS, please contact any mod or admin.

    If you want to apply to be a DM, PM an Admin and they will interview you and will contact you when they have made their deliberation.

    Thank you! and remember! have fun!

    ~IFF staff

      Current date/time is Mon Jul 01, 2024 11:59 am