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3 posters

    Zajian Character Submission


    Posts : 7
    Join date : 2011-11-22
    Location : Marnithal Continent

    Zajian Character Submission Empty Zajian Character Submission

    Post  Zajian Wed Nov 23, 2011 12:27 am

    Name: Kuro
    Race: Elf
    Class: Rogue level 8 \ Ranger level 4
    Height: 5'8"
    Weight: 115 lbs
    Eyes: Gold
    Hair: Ash
    Skin: Fair

    STR: 12
    Dex: 21
    CON: 11
    INT: 16
    Wis: 12
    CHA: 25

    HP: 64
    AC: 22
    Touch AC: 20
    Flat-Footed AC: 17
    Fortitude Save: +4
    Reflex Save: +16
    Will Save: 6

    BAB: +10/+1
    Grapple: +11
    Initiative: +9
    Speed: 35 ft/round

    Weapon: Masterwork Long-sword of Evisceration
    Attack Bonus: +18
    Damage: 2d20
    Critical: 18-20x2
    Range: 5 ft
    Special Ability: If enemy misses, I get attack of opportunity

    Weapon: Epitaph of Yoshi
    Attack Bonus: +14
    Damage: 1d20
    Critical: 9-20x3
    Range: 220 ft
    Special Ability: If enemy is killed on a critical the soul is absorbed into the weapon.

    Improved Initiative
    Improved Critical
    Far Shot
    Point Blank

    Special Abilities:
    Favored Enemy: Orc
    Trap Sense + 2
    Uncanny Dodge
    Improved Uncanny Dodge
    Sneak Attack + 4d6
    Low Light Vision
    Animal Companion
    Rapid Shot

    Leather Guise
    +2 AC
    Max Dexterity Bonus: +6
    Check Penalty: -0
    Spell Failure 5%


    35 Explosive Arrows
    27 Timed Explosive Arrows
    Necrotic Flesh (Finger)
    Salamander (goes meep ♥)
    51 Dragon Scales
    1 Dragon Tooth
    10 Units of Sulfurous Powder
    9 Units of Black Powder
    Rope (220 ft of Spider Silk woven into a rope)

    Kuro, the sole survivor from the Ka'aer village, was taken into a thief guild, known as Breakwater Rats, when she was a small child, so she remembers next to nothing from her roots. The only thing she can remember is the voice of the person who murdered her family, and she is hell bent on exacting revenge.
    Years later, she found out that the person who murdered her entire village was none other than the guild master himself. Learning this she defected from the Rats and took a stand. Assassinating the Head was easy enough, but escaping from the stone tomb was more than she could handle. Her best friend, who was under the same circumstances as she, Azaeroth, gave her a hand and they both defected and made it out alive.
    Only a year leater, after having hidden themselves away for a few years, they brought themselves out into the social light once again. They started a guild in an attempt to make friends and comrades. This Guild became known as the Dragonsbane Guild, and is known for its rough antics.
    Even now, she only trusts Azaeroth and stays mostly to herself. Her cold, and often hostile, disposition often leads people to stray away from her anyways. The Guild is held together by Azaeroth, who is much more open, so much so that one could mistake him for the village fool.

    Last edited by Kenshin1989 on Sun Nov 27, 2011 2:29 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Its Fixed now)

    Posts : 1755
    Join date : 2011-11-21
    Age : 36
    Location : In the space between space

    Zajian Character Submission Empty Re: Zajian Character Submission

    Post  Mizuki_Stone Thu Nov 24, 2011 6:04 pm

    You seem to have a rather large feat list and HP score given your level and stats... is this a DDO character?

    Posts : 7
    Join date : 2011-11-22
    Location : Marnithal Continent

    Zajian Character Submission Empty Re: Zajian Character Submission

    Post  Zajian Thu Nov 24, 2011 9:49 pm

    no, these are all legit from 3.5 character sheet. Word for word what the book asks.

    Posts : 1755
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    Age : 36
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    Zajian Character Submission Empty Re: Zajian Character Submission

    Post  Mizuki_Stone Thu Nov 24, 2011 11:59 pm

    Thing is, your con score is 11, so there is no HP bonus from that, hence the maximum you could roll for HP as a level 8 ranger level 2 rogue is 76 (8D8+2D6), you’ve got a hundred and fifty.

    Likewise for the feats… you’ve got twelve of them. You get four of them for being a ranger, but two of them are supposed to be Track, and Evasion (which you also get for being a level two rogue). I’ll assume that you traded these in vea some alternate rule set.

    Rapid shot and Many Shot are given for this level of the Ranged combat discipline. But that’s still three to many feats, (as you gain a feat on level 1, 3, 6, and 9, with no bonus feats awarded vea class ranks).

    Do you have some reason for having this many feats and this much HP? It is an item or did you run into a bunch of those stat raising/feat giving books?

    Posts : 7
    Join date : 2011-11-22
    Location : Marnithal Continent

    Zajian Character Submission Empty Re: Zajian Character Submission

    Post  Zajian Sat Nov 26, 2011 11:21 pm

    maybe... I've been playing with kenshin for a while so it may be a houserule that was added when Kuro was a level 1.

    Posts : 15
    Join date : 2011-11-22
    Age : 30
    Location : The Place where they carried on that dudes wayward son

    Zajian Character Submission Empty Re: Zajian Character Submission

    Post  Kenshin1989 Sat Nov 26, 2011 11:25 pm

    His character is largely house ruled. I'll work with him to fix it.

    Posts : 7
    Join date : 2011-11-22
    Location : Marnithal Continent

    Zajian Character Submission Empty Re: Zajian Character Submission

    Post  Zajian Sat Nov 26, 2011 11:26 pm

    Mizuki_Stone wrote:Thing is, your con score is 11, so there is no HP bonus from that, hence the maximum you could roll for HP as a level 8 ranger level 2 rogue is 76 (8D8+2D6), you’ve got a hundred and fifty.

    Likewise for the feats… you’ve got twelve of them. You get four of them for being a ranger, but two of them are supposed to be Track, and Evasion (which you also get for being a level two rogue). I’ll assume that you traded these in vea some alternate rule set.

    Rapid shot and Many Shot are given for this level of the Ranged combat discipline. But that’s still three to many feats, (as you gain a feat on level 1, 3, 6, and 9, with no bonus feats awarded vea class ranks).

    Do you have some reason for having this many feats and this much HP? It is an item or did you run into a bunch of those stat raising/feat giving books?

    All of the above XD I'll amend this is whatever way that is necessary.

    Posts : 1755
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    Age : 36
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    Zajian Character Submission Empty Re: Zajian Character Submission

    Post  Mizuki_Stone Sun Nov 27, 2011 1:23 pm

    Tiss cool, don't forget to add in your bonus feats though. You do get Evasion, Track, Rapid shot, and Many shot as bonus feats for being a level eight ranger (and level 2 Rogue in Evasions case)

    Also if you guys want to run house-ruled character's that's also fine, just make sure to label them in advanced ok?

    I'll transfer this over to the accepted page once you put those bonus feats in...

    So you guys ready for an RP? I can DM if ether of you want to campaign.

    Posts : 15
    Join date : 2011-11-22
    Age : 30
    Location : The Place where they carried on that dudes wayward son

    Zajian Character Submission Empty Re: Zajian Character Submission

    Post  Kenshin1989 Sun Nov 27, 2011 2:27 pm

    hell yeah man. ill fix on his character. just post where the starting rp stuff is and ill reply

    Posts : 1755
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    Age : 36
    Location : In the space between space

    Zajian Character Submission Empty Re: Zajian Character Submission

    Post  Mizuki_Stone Mon Nov 28, 2011 12:37 pm

    Got it, I'll try and get it up within the next day or two (kinda busy today)

    Posts : 15
    Join date : 2011-11-22
    Age : 30
    Location : The Place where they carried on that dudes wayward son

    Zajian Character Submission Empty Re: Zajian Character Submission

    Post  Kenshin1989 Wed Nov 30, 2011 4:07 am

    allll gooood

    Posts : 1755
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    Age : 36
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    Zajian Character Submission Empty Re: Zajian Character Submission

    Post  Mizuki_Stone Wed Nov 30, 2011 7:43 pm

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