Ill Fated Fables

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An engaging community of writers, gamers, role-players and fans of D&D, Anime, Fantasy, or Science Fiction.

...Welcome to Ill Fated Fables. We are currently under construction. We are looking into why signatures aren't working... ...Be sure to read the News and Announcements section and keep updated!...
Ill Fated Hearts: Check back to see information on the setting soon. IFH's first RP thread will be up soon.
DnD: Forums are now operational! Post your characters and start discussing a campaign!
Mizuki is having computer issues. He will be able to post a character in the DnD section soon, and will verify your characters when he does.


    Red Oblivion
    Red Oblivion

    Posts : 1762
    Join date : 2011-11-20
    Age : 33
    Location : Oblivion


    Post  Red Oblivion Tue Nov 22, 2011 6:16 pm

    As Ill Fated Hearts is a freeform Roleplaying universe, it does not require hard stats or dice to play or write in. Character Sheets in IFH are mostly for the purpose of safe-keeping or quick reference. They are mandatory, as they prevent 'Godmodding' and unfair play. When you post one here, it will get reviewed and if accepted you will be PMed and the character sheet post will be labeled as such.

    The proper form is as follows:


    Gender: (If applicable)

    Biological Age:
    Perceived Age: (If different from Biological)


    Appearance: (A pic upload is OK here. Uploading rules apply. Be generous in your descriptions)

    Equipment: (Please be realistic to the setting. At times something special may be justifiable by your character's Bio, but it needs to be good. Pics are OK here.)

    Abilities: (Again, these must be both relevant to your character's bio and race, as well as fitted to the setting, and within realistic parameters of strength. Insertion of Godmodding powers will get you some serious GM-hate in-thread and your character will probably die. Just sayin.)

    Bio: (Between one and seven proper paragraphs, must not mess with any other character's established history or plot developments unless you own that character or have permission from it's owner to tie them together. Must not screw with IFH canon, but that shouldn't be hard to avoid. Please put your Bios in a quote box.)

    Last edited by Red Oblivion on Tue Nov 22, 2011 6:57 pm; edited 5 times in total
    Red Oblivion
    Red Oblivion

    Posts : 1762
    Join date : 2011-11-20
    Age : 33
    Location : Oblivion


    Post  Red Oblivion Tue Nov 22, 2011 6:51 pm

    This is a very clinical example. It is precise, and easy to follow. It can be easily updated and quickly verified by a Mod.

    Name: Mirabell

    Gender: Female

    Biological Age: 30
    Perceived Age: 19

    Race: Elf

    -Hair: Platinum Blond
    -Eyes: Ice Blue
    -Skin: Fair, young, creamy complexion.
    -Height: 5' 11"
    -Weight: 110lbs
    Mirabell has several piercings in both ears, and frequently wears hunting leathers, even in town. She is shapely and tall, with a very athletic build. Usually keeps her hair tied back.

    -Longbow (Yew, magically enhanced, carved from still-living wood.)
    -Carving Knife, 10"(total)
    -Clay furnace dried leather armor, combination soft and hardened for flexibility.
    -Various pouches and belts, one backpack.
    -Poisonous herbs and materials for tainted arrows.

    -Basic healing magic, for emergencies.
    -Sharpshooter with any bow.
    -Able to make her own arrows.
    -Knowledgeable in local biology.
    -Competent hand-to-hand fighter, is not her strongest skill.

    Bio: Mirabell comes from a very traditional tribe of forest elves. They have not changed their ways much in the past several centuries and do not intend to. Thus she is highly trained in the ways of a hunter and tracker, and is capable of defending their village if they should ever come under attack. Mirabell is fiercely devoted to her heritage and would never forsake her tribesmen easily. The priestess of their tribe has taught her and several other hunters a small amount of holy magic to heal minor wounds, but it is mostly first-aid.

      Current date/time is Mon Jul 01, 2024 10:26 am